Reports Glossary
This article provides more information on our most popular report modules available by default in Quick Reports and can be added to...
Social Platform's Image Guidelines
When posting attachments to any social media platforms via their API (how third-party platforms like Midnight Social integrate to social...
Social Platform's Video Guidelines
When posting videos to any social media platforms via their API (how third-party platforms like Midnight Social integrate to social...
Compose A Basic Message
This article covers how you can create a simple message via the Compose Box. 1. The Compose message option will be available in the top...
Getting Started with Smart Posts
With Midnight Social you can now customize each post based on the social media network your posting to, all from the same Compose Box!...
Bulk Import Messages
This article covers using the Bulk Importer to create multiple posts at one time. The messages can either be created directly within the...
What Can I Try if I'm Having Trouble with a Social Profile?
This article covers general best practices steps to take if you find that you're experiencing an issue with one of your Profiles. We are...
Edit, Share, or Delete a Queue
This article covers Smart Queues which are a great way to share evergreen content - content that isn't time specific. You can find out...
Schedule a Message
This article covers how you can schedule your message to be sent out on a particular date at a particular time, as well as how you can...
What Can I Try if I'm Not Able to Add an Instagram Profile?
This article covers basic steps that you should check if you're having trouble adding or reconnecting an Instagram Business profile. For...