Making new connections and creating loyal fans is important for any growing business, and what social media is all about. With our Get Social Holiday Gift Pack, you are well on your way to a successful social journey. Holiday posts are a great place to begin! You can use these tools to connect with your community, and also publish your holiday hours. Add to these designs your own unique voice and include a few hashtags to reach niche markets and you'll give your brand a huge lift! Midnight Social Media delights customers all across the US with social design and management that the search engines adore and social sites love to share.
Holiday Gift Pack Includes:
New Years
Valentine's Day
St Patrick's
Earth Day
Mother's Day
Memorial Day
Father's Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Daylight Savings
Veterans Day
Happy Holidays
Product Details
In our Holiday Social Gift Pack you'll find 15 readymade PNG files saved at horizontal 1200x628 for FB, G, LI, TW, PT and FB boost ready along with square 1080x180 for IG.
Their friendly design makes it easy to brand with your logo if you want in Canva or other image editor. The designs are not "salesy" but meant for organic brand marketing to obtain customers and retain your loyal following.
A text document is also included with a suggested social media copy to get you started and #hastags.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message us.

This is just to get you started
Do you want even more holidays? We have 240 holidays from the serious or cause-oriented like Martin Luther King Day and Adopt a Shelter Pet to the fun ones like Emoji or Cheeseburger Day. We offer 1-4 design options in our Holiday Social Post Bundle. We also have Midnight Motivational Posts which are great to schedule on Mondays.
Do you want to be able to easily brand your own social media? You can use the Midnight Social platform for your own marketing promotions outside of holidays. Streamline how you manage your social media - from planning and collaboration to engagement with analytics with the Midnight Social Media all from one platform.
See for yourself and schedule a Midnight Social Demo!
Midnight Design and Promos llc
All Rights Reserved | Representing | ||
and OCD Graphics at
32350 Cea Dag Circle, Unit 205 - Dagsboro, DE 19939 | 410-828-7990 |